Rising Stars

The Rising Star Program is designed to motivate students to strive for and achieve their goals both inside and outside of their Hapkido training. The program is broken down into three different colored star patches, which symbolize different categories of achievement. Stars can be attached to students' uniforms to celebrate their accomplishments.

Black Star – A student who wears the black star has shown excellence in their training and study of Hapkido. They attend class regularly, possess great listening skills, and practice their technique with diligence and passion. The black star may also be earned if a student performs exceptionally well on a belt test, which is decided by our instructors.

Red Star – A student who wears the red star has shown excellence in their schoolwork or academic pursuits. Students may be considered for the red star if they present a signed certificate or letter from their academic institution. This can include report cards, progress reports, honors awards, etc.

Blue Star – A student who wears the blue star has shown excellence in an extracurricular activity outside of school and their Hapkido training. This can include success in other sports or music, as well as activities that foster growth in students like completing chores or showing kindness to siblings. Students must present a signed letter from their coach, instructor, parent, etc. in order to be considered for the blue star.